Thursday, December 4, 2008

Enjoying Our Family!

It has been forever since I updated and I figured it was about time! Anyone actually reading this anyway? o.O

Things are going great! "B.G." is settling in well! (In our opinions anyway ^__^ ) We've got our routines down, though we are still in the "tweaking" the rules stage. It was rather odd to deal with the "testing you" stage, that people talk about all the time with adoptions. I suppose I just was not expecting it right away - then again, we had been having visits for over a month at the move-in point and we all just "click", so yeah. We're pretty much out of the "testing you" phase though, it has been smoothing out for the past week. She really seems happy with us (and us her!!!) She fits in so well with us, so I am not surprised.

We've been working on "Good Choices, Bad Choices" - which has worked fantastic! And we now have a "Consequence Wheel" (that you actually roll a dice for, not spin... lol) and that worked FANTASTIC today... hoping it continues to be so great. She got three "Good Choice" marks on her "Good Choice, Bad Choice" board and has had ZERO bad choices today. So proud of her!

ANyway, i'm tired and coming down with a bad cold, so I'll post later. :D

Friday, November 14, 2008


Its 12:56am and officially Friday! Today is MOVE IN DAY for our daughter... Around 4pm today our 5 year old will be moving in forever. I cannot believe this day has finally come! I'm nervous, excited, and so many other things all at once. This time tomorrow our daughter will be fast asleep in her room. I Just cannot believe it. Its been 9 Months, 1 week, 1 day since we started the adoption process (theres irony for you!) and this is by far one of the happiest ones.

Tomorrow at this time I will officially be a Mom. I suppose I already am one, technically, as she has known about the adoption since Monday... but... it will really feel "official", I think, later today when she arrives. So many wonderful and challenging years ahead of us and I couldn't be more ready!

Despite our excitement, I know this is going to be a very hard day for our daughter. Although she will still be able to see the foster family occasionally, all of this is such a big change. She has been excited, but with that excitement comes grief and loss as well - even if it might take a week or so for that to "come to mind".

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


We had our first visit with our "future" daughter Monday at 3-5pm!


She is just the smartest, cutest, and most wonderful five year old on the face of this planet. We absolutely fell in love with her.

We'll be having another visit on Thursday and a possible overnight on Saturday!

It will be a slow transition, as she is attached to Foster-Mom, but the FM seems really great too! (Am I allowed to say that? o.O) I am so glad she has had such a great FM.

We went out for dinner to celebrate Monday... I dont think i could have even typed before then!

I was/am on cloud nine! This truly was an excellent visit, it went far better and smoother than I thought possible. Simply wonderful! I'm pretty sure she liked us too! I'll update again when I get my head out of the clouds!

Monday was also exactly 8 Months since we started this adoption process!!! She will be actually "placed" in our home around 9 Months!!! What irony, huh?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Less than 1.5 hours until first visit!!!

I cannot believe it! Less than 1.5 hours until our first visit with out future daughter! ....I AM SO NERVOUS AND EXCITED!!!

I really hope she likes us - or at least tolerates us enough to sit and play/talk. I don't even know how to go about getting "talking/playing" either - i've got some ideas, but so nervous! I'm certain this kid is going to think we're babbling idiots too! lol!

We're bringing her a stuffed animal for her to keep and bringing some toys to play with (playdough, playdough toy pieces, coloring books (with stories in them!) + crayons (of course!), old maid & go fish cards, and a fairy puzzle.

DH seems calm as a clam, but I am just "ahhhhh! what do we do?!" So nervous and SO excited! I really hope this goes well.

Any last minute advice?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


We got to finally see our future daughter's picture yesterday! She is just the cutest, most adorable, five year old I have ever seen. We'll likely be having our first visit on Wednesday - this wednesday! That is just so awesome. So excited, so awesome, and yeah.

Monday, September 15, 2008


We received more information on our future daughter last thursday!!!

We're totally going to go forward with this match. To be honest, she feels like "our's" already! Scary thinking when we haven't even met her or even seen a picture yet, so hopefully all continues to go so smoothly.

Hopefully by tomorrow (tuesday) we'll know when the first visit will be, etc.

We are so excited!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Still waiting...

We're still waiting for information and a picture on our possible Match. Its been two weeks now and the information/picture was supposed to be in after a couple of days...

I emailed the sw yesterday again about some other paperwork, but didn't hear whether she had received the info/pic on our match yet. I'm a bit frustrated today, as I would like to know if she even has the info yet or when she thinks she will...

We've been fixing up the kid's room too. Making it more "girly", as it was "neutral" before. I'll post again when I know more...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I am in shock. Even though this happened at 2:30ish this afternoon (we've been out all day excited!)... I am still in shock!

As most of you know, we had our appt. with our sw yesterday to go over our written homestudy paperwork. The office was busy so we only saw our sw for a moment long enough for us to know what to do while looking over our homestudy to make sure it was right. Due to the lots of stuff going on, our sw scheduled with us to come out today - also because she had to check one thing at the house she forgot to (firearms).

Well... not only is our homestudy finished... we are being matched with a four year old girl!!! (I am allowed to say age and gender, right?) TPR for mother is next month (I can say that too, cant I? Let me know if any of this isnt supposed to be and I'll remove it.) I wont go into details of course, since I know that is confidential... but mid next month we will know for sure and visits will start!!!

We do not know too much on her yet, but our sw says it looks like a match from all that she has heard so far. We'll have a picture and some more info in a few days!!!

WE'RE SO EXCITED!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! We're keeping a level mind that there is still a possibility this match wont work for whatever reason, but it sounds like our chances of her not being placed with us are very slim since we meet all of what they are looking for apparently!
I'd post more but I am just so excited and have so much I want to say, that I dont know how to get it all out! I cannot believe it! We're so excited!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, today was the day for us to go in and review our written up homestudy... we did get to do that.

However, a problem arose and the sw had to deal with that and not us, so we only got to see her long enough for her to explain what to do with the written up stuff and to leave it with the front desk woman. So, we didn't get to ask any of our questions, or find out if we can request info on children now, etc.

Luckily, we will be seeing her tomorrow, since she is going to come by. She forgot to look at our locked up guns and has to do that, so she'll be calling tomorrow with what time she will be coming out to take a look (shewill be coming out tomorrow too, but doesnt know what time). So we will be able to ask our questions then... though, we were looking forward to seeing the state waiting children site and possibly a waiting child book that they might have...

Although I understand why todays appt. didn't go as planned, it frustrates me that we had to wait an extra week on top of an already later than should be scheduled appt,just to come in and look over something ourselves that she didn't even need to be there for. We're just assuming she did not get the homestudy written up until recently, which would explain why our appt. got pushed back from last monday to this one (because of an extra case load for her). Rather bummed today, but at least we'll be seeing her tomorrow so I suppose its alright... blagh, feel much better now after venting.

Less than 10 Hours until appointment!!!

with out social worker to go over the written up paperwork for our completed homestudy.

I am so excited!!! I really hope we're able to at least request info on kids after this meeting. We're so anxious. This long wait to get this appt. was torture.

I'll post more later!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

6 Days until our next Appointment!

Only 6 days are left until our appointment with our social worker! 5, if you dont count the day of the appointment. :) I am really hoping we are at least able to request information about kids after this homestudy paperwork finalization and that we are able to look through the "book" of waiting children like our sw had mentioned before. Or more so hoping, she might even have a match possible...

Honestly, I cannot imagine how someone can preserve sanity waiting months for a match. Granted, we'll probably be waiting that long too, (hope not though!) but even this few weeks is driving me bonkers. We've been waiting so long at this point (ttc for 3.5 years, would have started the adoption process sooner if we had found out it was free through the state) We're SO ready for this. I honestly dont think our wait will be long though - I just have a feeling about that and I am not sure why, given I know the likelyhood of getting a match "quickly".

Thursday, August 14, 2008

ADOPTION waiting, TTC and Weight Loss

I'll start off with an adoption "not-so-much" of an update.

Adoption wise:
Our meeting to go over the approved Homestudy paperwork got pushed from the 18th to the 25th, due to an overflow of work. (SW had to take on another workers case as well) Not to mention, apparently until this meeting we cant even request info on kids since our homestudy isn't "officially paper approved" until then. Blagh. So... a week and a half left.

TTC wise:
Here I was waiting for AF to show... then I O'd! On CD37. I took Vitex (for the second cycle, the first time was two cycles ago and I O'd) for the first week and a half/two weeks and then I ran out and never got around to getting more. (I did pick some up a few days ago, but never did start them yet, I was waiting for the next cycle) So, I O'd partially on my own this cycle!!! Which is fantastic! In 3.5 years of ttc#1, this is only my second time Oing.

I'd be surprised if anything comes of this cycle though - despite the odd good feeling I have about it right now. I have given up expecting anything of cycles after this long. Since I was waiting for AF to show any day now, we only BD'd once -- luckily, that BD day fell on the day of O. It is on the downward crosshair from Fertility Friend - so we definitely got a shot anyway! (bad pun)

Here's to hoping though! I am 3dpo today and I plan to wait till 10dpo before starting my testing frenzy. Now... I say this knowing I wont wait that long - I never have and doubt I ever will. Who knows though? I usually start testing around 5-7dpo... Why, you ask? Because I enjoy disappointing myself apparently. We'll see though.

Weight wise:
After a two week(?) delay in eating healthy (still going to Curves though!) since we had one of our neices over for about a week (didn't eat too badly though... *cough*). I am back on track--ish. It has been a bit hard getting back to eating healthy, but I am slowly getting back to it.

Time to start tracking points again too.
Drinking lots of water as well!

I am going to make two simple goals this time:

*Track Points (ALL of them)
*Drink Water

Here's to more hoping! Haha!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Weight Loss and TTC Update

Since I haven't posted much about TTC and Weight Loss, I figured it was about time for an update.

Well, it looks like we might have missed BDing for O Day. I missed two days of temp taking, the first of those days we did BD, but not the second or today. Today when I took my temp it was up, so it is debatable whether we at least have a 'shot' this cycle. Oddly enough though, I am not that upset (at all!) about missing it. Yeah, it sucks I do not know for sure whether we have a "shot" at this month, but even if we missed it... oh well. We're adopting. lol Adopting is our "life" right now, it seems. We're just too excited to care about my O dates. All in all, I'm just happy it looks like I actually O'd again (for the second time!). Either way we are adopting, so if we get pregnant - great! Our child will have a sibling, if not, Great! We're adopting. lol

As for Weight Loss. Last week I was down to 181.2lbs!!! I am fairly sure I messed that up this week though. We went out to eat several times (and I wasn't careful in the slightest... in other words: Gorge Fest.) I'll fix that up though, so no big deal (as long as I do not do so again for a long time! haha)

I'd really like to be in the 170's by our cruise next month. We're also really hoping we get matched soon, so we can take our child on this cruise too.

Overall... we have a really exciting few months ahead it looks like!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Surviving "The Wait" for a Match!

Its only been three days since matching began and I am already going nuts! I keep staring at the phone and hoping it will ring, even though I know the chances of it ringing this soon are slim to none.

This wait is actually worse than waiting for a homestudy interview. I figured back then it might be when I actually got to it, but its even more so than I imagined - and it's only day 3! :ahhh:
I'd love to decorate our kids room more, but without knowing what gender and what age, its near impossible to do more than we have. (Sick of 'neutral' colored items lol) I'd love to buy clothes, but again, without gender and age, near impossible. I'd love to buy a toddler bedset, instead of items for the twin bed we have in there, but again, we dont know what age - or the gender, since they have different designs. (I really like the toddler "room in a box" sets from Walmart. They are awesome and inexpensive!) I'd love to buy some older kid items, desk and so on, but again... age and gender.

How can anyone survive this wait? *insert fainting here* Any tips on how to manage the waiting of the matching process?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I have news...


This was indeed our LAST interview!!! Not only that... she said the matching process actually "starts" now. The paperwork is going to take about two weeks she said, but if a match comes along we'll still be able to have the placement even without the "official" document written up.
On a hopeful note... she sounded like she might already have a few children in mind that might work! Granted, we realize this could take months, but we are hopeful. We're aiming for around age 3, but are happy with up to 6.

I cannot believe it. Our Homestudy is finally done. Complete. Matching has begun - and SO SOON! We totally thought the matching wouldn't start until the "official" sw-edit version of our homestudy was "approved" through the state or whatever.

We had asked how long from now until matching begins and she was like "Now!" talking about how that if she finds a match even tomorrow, she will simply expediate the paperwork and get it done this weekend. She was just saying it depends on when there is a match, since, of course, it varies when there is one.

We were totally thinking we'd be 'easing' into the... "matching process will start *insert date*" instead... its like NOW - you could get a call anytime now! (Which is awesome!)
I'd have posted earlier, but we went out for a celebration dinner with my MIL - who is so excited too! She's eager for another grandchild!

I'll write more about this once my heart finally slows down and I "relax" some. I'm just so overwhelmed (in a VERY good way!) right now.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Tomorrow is our last interview! Well, hopefully last anyway. I am so anxious for our homestudy to be done - so very very anxious! I'm hoping the "official" homestudy approval does not take very long though. From what it sounds like, it can even take an entire month. I think I would go insane if it takes that long.

Steps left until pre-placement:

*Final Interview(s) with Social Worker or Homestudy. (Final - hopefully - interview tomorrow)
*Social Worker writes up our "approved" Homestudy to go to a Judge.
*Judge reads and "approves" our Homestudy - finalizing our Homestudy!!!
*Officially Waiting for a Match!!!

I am just beyond anxious for our homestudy to be done at this point.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Interview Scheduled!!!

Our last Homestudy Interview has finally been scheduled! The previous we had was last thursday and we were told to call this Tuesday to setup a date... sw was busy and didn't call back, left a message today, she was in court so, of course, couldn't call, but then I called at 4:30 and she answered. Granted, I did block the number, so that might have helped since we were likely on a "back burner" since we only needed to setup an appointment. Then again, we've called around 4:30 before and had her actually answer, so who knows?

Anyway! Our next (and likely FINAL) interview: Tuesday, July 29th!!!

I am just so thrilled! Granted, that date is almost two weeks after our last interview, but its only less than a week from today, so I can stand that. :) There is a chance we will need another interview, as the sw said she has to have at least four, but we are thinking she forgot to count in the one we had in June. (We've had interviews on: June 18, July 8, July 17) So this next one would be the fourth. More than likely, this is the last one - then our homestudy will be complete! FINALLY! I don't think I can stand waiting for another interview - i'd go bonkers. Granted, if we have to, of course, we will, but I hope not. :)

I'm sooooo looking forward to the homestudy being done!

Call Me!

Well, left a message with our sw yesterday to schedule the next interview and just finished leaving the next message today. She is only in the office Mon-Thu, so I am really really hoping she calls back today or I am going to go bonkers.

Tomorrow will be one week since our last interview, so I am getting a bit frustrated at not having the date for the next, (and hopefully last interview). I really hope it will be during July, but I have a feeling it might be August for the next appointment. Which of course, I will be annoyed with. Grr. lol

I am so anxious to get this homestudy done with. It's driving me nuts. All this waiting just to get a date setup is aggravating. Blagh. I'm actually in a good mood right now though, just a bit frustrated at the lack of a date and time setup.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dh's Interview Done!

DH's interview went great!!! I meant to post about it the other day, but things were busy around here.

We only have one interview left before our end of the homestudy is complete! Then we will just have to wait for the sw to get the paperwork done and submit it to the state for "official approval".

There is a chance we need one more interview, the sw said she has to have four... though we are thinking she forgot to add in the one we had in June when she was calculating (since the june one, both our seperates, and the next should be She is already trying to figure a way around that one though in case they need "1 more", as there isn't any questions left.

Since she isn't in the office on Fridays and Mondays are too busy, we are supposed to call on Tuesday to setup the final interview!!! I am really hoping it isnt two weeks out. However, if it isn't this coming week, it will be, considering we have to wait till Tuesday to call. *grumbles*

Well, I am hoping it is soon anyway.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

DH's Interview with SW today!!!

Today is the day for DH's interview with our social worker - less than 2 hours away too!

We only have one more interview left after this one.... just ONE!

I am so excited today. So very very excited. I'm very much looking forward to the last interview, as it goes over the "final information" of what ages, etc, we are looking for. We're hoping it doesn't take long for the social worker to get the final report done and sent into the state (or whomever they send it to) to finalize our Homestudy too. We are anxious to start the "matching" process!

It is so weird to know that "your child" is already out there in the world. Already born, living, playing, etc, even though we don't know whom it may be. I hope she/he is happy and healthy, despite the uncertainty he/she is likely in right now.

I've been really debating painting the "kids" room too. We have paneling in there, and we did decide not to paint since you have to get all the crevices on the paneling and that is very tasking. However... now that everything in the house is situated and we have the stuff we need, etc, I am very much debating doing so. I'd, of course, start by filling in the lines, though I will likely use "tape" to cover each "dent" and do so that way. Likely a lot easier.

Hmm... ideas ideas!

I'll post again, once the interview is done too!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Adoption Euphoria and Lists

Well, I think I am officially in a much better mood now that there is only 2 interviews left, and the next one is scheduled close. Now I am starting to dwell on hoping the actual waiting for a match doesn't take too long either (Boy am I impatient! )

I do plan to try and enjoy the (hopefully short!) time waiting for a match: Go out to coffee late, stay up until 5am or all night, etc. All those things we already do often, but will be changed once we have a child in the house. You know, all those little things that are so easy to do now when you dont need to get up early, or have a child running around.

Granted, I am not much interested in staying up until 5am, and I will not miss any of that stuff too much, but I know i'll need something to pass the time with. I'm thinking of making a list of things that will be hard to do with a child in the house and try to do them all before a match is made. I might even force myself to stay up an entire day - though that has been extremely hard the last few years, even though i used to be able to often.

Wow, I think I had to much hot chocolate earlier... I am wired! Or, it could just be this adoption euphoria that has capitivated me today. Who knows?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Next Interview Scheduled!!!

Got DH's interview scheduled -- and its NOT two weeks away!!!

It will be on the day the sw mentined the other day. July 17th, at 2:30.

Only a little more than a week away... and our 3rd year wedding anniversary (6th year together) is on the 15th, so we'll have that to pass away the time! I think the SW will be correct when she said before about finishing the homestudy by the end of July. That and the state 'requires' the homestudy to be done within 90-days here, and the end of July is the 90-day mark from when we turned in our paperwork.

So excited!!!

We're really hoping to be officially waiting by the beginning of August!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First Interview Today!

Our first interview - other than the home visit last month, of course - is today! 2.5 hours left too!! Today it will be with me and the social worker... I am actually not all that nervous. From what I have looked up on it, it isn't going to be too bad, so not worried. The house is still clean from the home visit and I only had to do some minor pick up today - it is sooo nice having the house organized and clean now. (we had remodeled our livingroom, so it was in disarray for a long time)

Anyway, I called today to find out when DH's interview would be and if we could setup a date - hinting at wanting it today, if there was time after mine. However! It sounds like it will be next thursday (not this week, but next, so the 17th) But she has to look into whatever to see if that works... Makes me a bit leary when she says that, as it always seems to be farther out when she says that without being sure. ~.~

Well, wish me luck for today!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Excited and Frustrated

Well, I left a message with the SW today. She needed the measurements of our rooms and I wanted to find out if she found out about doing our interviews sooner - as that was a possibility when we setup the date for the 8th. (Granted, I doubt it, but I can still hope) It doesn't feel as long away now that there is only a week left. Tuesday of next week is the first interview... though i want to see if she can try and sqeeze in both DH and mines that day, rather than just mine. (I am hoping that is at least an option, grr)

The sw said before, that the homestudy would be done before the end of July, but if she keeps scheduling things for two weeks later, I am not sure how that is going to happen. Our first interview is on the 8th, which is just supposed to be 'my' interview, so I am very much hoping when I talk to her that she is able to squeeze in DH too... but somehow i don't have much faith in that.

Going back and forth of being excited and frustrated today. Overall, I am excited, but the other part of me is frustrated because this homestudy is taking forever - even though we are completely flexible with times and even willing for last minute appointments.

Blah, I vent a lot, dont i?

haha, well, mood picked up again - see what I mean? Rollercoaster of feelings lately!

On a very good note, DH brought up something yesterday, out of the blue... before he was adament about only wanting one child at first, no sibling sets whatsoever right now, and so on. (Which I was/am fine with, though I would be very pleased with having more, even to start. Either way is fine with me)

Anyway, DH brought up that he wouldn't mind adopting a sibling set from the get go, if the younger one was 6-7 months or younger. He also mentioned, that he - like me - if it came out that "oh, *** has a brother or sister" we couldn't see passing the sibling up whatsoever, even if it was very soon into the adoption or before/after the placement.

Talk about putting me in a great mood!

I know he was all for a second child, as long as there was some time in between to get settled, but its so nice to hear he would be fine with two at the get-go. It opens up our options a lot more too!

The reason for the second being an infant, is that we are in a small house at the moment and an infant could be in our room until 365 days old - at that point we would switch rooms with the kids, (our room can hold two children) and look for a bigger house at that point.

Which would work fine, since about in a year or so (depending on if we adopt 1 or 2 children) we would be looking to move anyway to have more space. Well, heres to hoping the sw calls back today - despite it being her 'busy' day.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Interview Date Set...

Well, talked to the SW today. The state, as we already knew, is doing a new training thing this week... but since we are willing to be 'test subjects' (its just a person that stands in with the SW to evaluate the adoption process) then we might be able to have the first interview done soon. Our SW is waiting for an answer back from her 'ghosting person', so we set a temporary date today - in case an earlier appointment cannot be made. So, if not sooner, July 8th is our first interview thing - myself.

I'm a bit grumpy since that is two weeks away, and I am hesitant to believe it will actually be sooner than that - though the sw seemed pretty confidant it could be, but at least, the first date is set.

It just feels like this will never be done... the waiting for a match, I think I could stand, since there is no set 'date' on that one, but this waiting for the homestudy stuff is driving me bonkers. (Granted, I am sure the official 'waiting' will drive me nuts too - more so- , when we ever get to it)

Unfortunately, we dont have the money to shell out to have our homestudy done by a private company - as our sw mentioned we could do. Even if we did, I am not sure we would, since why pay $800 when you can get it for free? Blah. Just so anxious.

I have to call with the room dimensions, so hopefully I hear better news then.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Writing a Adoption Kids Book...

I love to write. So I figured I would give a kids book a try, so whatever child we adopt has a book just for them. I just wrote it and was curious as to what you all think? I am trying to make it an "adoption kids book" rather than just a typical kids book.

Here is what I have so far:

It was a warm, yet cloudy day when Little Cluck came to stay.

The yard was small, the house looked bland, and two strangers stood there with waving hands!

So scared and worried, was what Little Cluck felt. He stood there quietly, feeling as small as an elf.

Who were these people? Did they not see? This house was too warm! Too Small! Too – wait, what were these?

Little Cluck looked with big surprised eyes. Games upon games were waiting inside!

Wait, he thought and came to a stop. This place was still scary!

These people, this place, what were they like? Did they not know he wanted to hide?

Little Cluck could not help but cry. Where were those he knew? Why could they not come too?

The days carried on, with smooth whispers and play. Hugs and kisses came every day.

Now, Little Cluck could not believe he had been so afraid! Today he was going outside to play.

Mom and Dad stood by and waved. The yard was huge and the house so bright, how could this have ever given him a fright?

That is it! I might expand on it a little, but I wanted to keep it short too.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Updated Pictures!

Updated pictures of our "Kid Room". There is still more to do, but a lot of it is based more on what gender/age/interests are of the child. Right now there is a frog theme in the room. We have a frog in the stuffed animal hanging thing, frogs on the cork board behind the bed, and a nylon/plastic Frog toy box.
It is a small room, but we are making it work and when standing in it, the bed dosen't take up as much room as it looks in the picture. There is actually room for a desk and toy box at the end and room to play. All in all, it is a small room though - perfect size for a child! :)
Second "Kid Room" picture has the twin bed we have setup, since its likely we will be getting a toddler/child, instead of an infant. (We arereally hoping for a toddler!)

A picture of our clean livingroom! The night before the Homestudy. Needless to say, we have a TON of games and books. (The top shelf below the counter has all books, the shelf below it is all games.)
The baskets below the shelves (though the baskets will be changed for taller/wider ones) is going to be for our kid toys. Seperated into what they are: legos, dolls, coloring, etc. That way the kid can take out a basket, based on what they want to do.

TTC Update

DH and I have been discussing just ttc'ing for the remainder of this cycle and just 'winging it' after that. Right now, we really are into the adoption process and want to adopt to matter what. We planned on still adopting, even if I get pregnant, but at the same time, we dont want to jepordize a placement since we only have the required space for "1" child. Granted, we plan to move in a few years, but it may not be seen that great to a sw.

This is really making me feel relieved - I was even the one that brought it up. I told DH that I may have a hard time stopping ttc, condsidering how addicted I am to actually following my cycles now. He laughed and said I was addicted to peeing on a stick - I agreed - I am. lol

We'll probably still 'try', since its hard to stop, but we'll see. Once we are officially 'waiting' for a match with adoption, then we will likely stop for sure ttc'ing then.

Updated Adoption Process Tracker

  1. 2/6/2008: Adoption Process Starts -- Orientation
  2. 2/8-9&22-23/2008: PRIDE Training!
  3. 3/18/2008: CPR/HIV/Blood born pathogens Certification
  4. 4/25/2008: Fingerprints + ALL APPLICATION FORMS IN!
  5. 5/05/2008: Assigned Social Worker
  6. 5/12/2008: 3-of-4 References In! Didn't need to bother with the last.
  7. 6/18/2008: HOMESTUDY DONE!
  8. 6/??/2008: Waiting to do the Interviews!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Homestudy Done!! Interviews next!

The SW was a bit late (called that she was running late, and got here about 3pm instead of 2:30pm. It only lasted about an hour and a half.

Our SW was really nice, though worried me a bit at first when she was talking about the homestudy part could take a long time (liscensing, etc) until i reminded her that we were only doing adoption of "legally free" and not fostering. (So not liscensing needed, just the homestudy! )

It sounds like we only have the interviews left to do now - the one with both of us and then seperatly. She said at the very very latest the homestudy and such would be complete no later than the end of July. (Apparently that is her idea of a long time... which it is, but not as long as I was thinking she meant) We're very very flexible on times, so that will speed things up too, since she can call and schedule for that afternoon type of thing... its easy for us to get there with short notice.

After all my worrying - things went exactly as everyone else kept telling me... she walked through the house quickly like a bored neighbor, didn't even want to look in our room (so much for cleaning that! lol) and then we proceeded to sit down at the kitchen table. I think we could have had bags of trash in the middle of the room and she wouldn't have noticed.

The only thing we need to do is, print out our tax form again and sign it, since apparently they needed our signature on the bottom of it (we filed electronically), and our doctor forgot to check a box on our medical form, so we have to bring that by to the doctor to fix.

Other than that, we are fairly set! The important part is: The home visit portion of the Homestudy is done!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

LESS than one day until Homestudy!!!

...LESS than one day until our homestudy! Can you say nervous?

If I thought I was nervous/excited before... I must have been joking myself compared to today. We have less than 24 hours until our homestudy - and I am beyond nervous! Overwhelmed would be putting it lightly.

Luckily, our homestudy is at 2:30pm tomorrow, so I can sleep in -- I already know I'll have a hard time getting to sleep tonight. These past two weeks actually flew by - almost too quickly!

It seems like we still have so much to do - which doesn't make sense, since we were ready two weeks ago. We'd probably be ready now, but putting that portable shell around the new dishwasher really dirtied the kitchen - luckily it actually cleaned up fast. Still more to do in there, but not much.

The windows (and everything else!) are this afternoons challenge... most are double vinyl windows, but we have a couple metal ones still left and they are such a pain. Luckily, we have a steamer that works really well for that, but still a pain.

I just keep worrying our social worker will get here tomorrow and go "No Way!" or "Several more visits - you need to do this and this and this" or even worse "DeClInEd" - for whatever reason that isnt fixable: Ceiling height, house in general, etc... things that aren't really 'fixable'.

Hopefully she doesn't look in the fridge either, its pretty bare at the moment - besides lots of condiments, onions, potatos, yogurt and milk. The freezer is full at least and the cupboards not too bad. (We meant to go grocery shopping the other day, but didn't have the chance too - and wont be able to tonight either.)

I know being this nervous is normal and inevitable, but wow... I was a lot more calm a few weeks ago. Since I know its going to be tomorrow, I am just plain nervous!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Adopton Process So Far...

Our Adoption Process, so far:

2/6/2008: Adoption Process Starts -- Orientation
2/8-9&22-23/2008: PRIDE Training!
3/18/2008: CPR/HIV/Blood born pathogens Certification
4/25/2008: Fingerprints + ALL APPLICATION FORMS IN!
5/05/2008: Assigned Social Worker
5/12/2008: 3-of-4 References In! Didn't need to bother with the last.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Waiting for Homestudy and O

This next week should be a great one... i'm hoping! Our Homestudy is on the 18th (only a week away!) and I should be O'ing any day now too. Hopefully anyway. I took 200mg Soy Isoflavones with 240mg on the last day this cycle (days 2-6), so I am hoping it worked and will make me actually O.

I'm actually more excited about the Homestudy though. To be honest, we might not even ttc the next cycle since we should be in the waiting period for adoption by next cycle. Knowing us, we will still ttc, but we might just 'wing it' (not use opk's or temp). Who knows - right now I think we are ttc addicts. lol

Anyway, the Homestudy is 8 Days away! This past week flew by (thankfully) and now there is only about a week left to wait for it. I really hope it goes well, I am still so nervous we'll be rejected or something. *.*

The SW said it will likely be really easy though. Since we do not have any kids already and no prior marriages, and our marriage is going on year 3 (in July!), etc. It sounds like it will go fine, but I am a worry wart. ^___^

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Weight Loss

Yesterday, I had my weekly weigh-in at Weight Watchers... it went very well!

I am down from: Last WW weigh in: 188.4 to 185.8 (I missed one week of weigh in, last week, but I am still down. My last weeks weigh-in at home was 186.8, so I lost 1lb this week!)

My first 10% was at 189.2 and my next is at 170.28... I am very much looking forward to that one!

Curves is still going great too. They just got the Curve Smart machines a week or so ago and I rather like them. I can actually listen to my own music (on headphones) as I go, instead of listening for the 'change stations', since the machines you now have to wait for the 'end' of each displayed on the screen. Much Better! They also make you work much harder... blagh. :)

The 14's are fitting better and better now, though still a hair away from actually wearing them out. Though I could at this point - if I wanted a slight muffin top. :( (Which I do not.)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Started Soy Isoflavones!

It is CD2 for me today. I started Soy Isoflavones today, 200mg (days 2-6). Looking into taking Cinnamon too, but trying to find out is Soy and Cinnamon together is alright... Anyone out there know? o.O

Friday, May 30, 2008

Adoption IS like Pregnancy

Steps of Adoption/Pregnancy

Finding out how to adopt -- waiting to ovulate
Thinking you cant afford it -- temperature dosen't seem to rise after O...
Finding out you can afford it (through the state or otherwise) -- bbt temp rise!
Searching for an agency/state to go through -- like finding the 'right' brand of hpt test to use
Taking Classes/training -- like the first trimester, hoping it 'sticks' and 'works'
Getting Application together/in -- The doctor giving the thumbs up for a positive preg test, and high beta numbers!
Homestudy/interviews -- Seeing an ultrasound and realizing 'this is really real'!
Homestudy Approved - now waiting! -- Having the basics of your nursery set up, for no matter the gender! Crib, etc
Child Matched -- Found out what the gender is; literally!
Vists with Child before placement -- Labor pains - (how much longer until we bring him/her home?)
Placement/Finalization -- Birth. (Maybe not 'physically', but the worrying, pain, wondering if someone is late, etc)

First Post

Greetings! This blog will be about the big events going on in DH and mines life right now: Adoption, TTC, and Weight Loss.

Here is a bit of 'starting' info on each:

Adoption: We started the Adoption process, February 6th, 2008. We've completed our classes, cpr/first-aid, medical, etc. Our application was turned in at the end of April 2008.

We're going through the state, doing Adoption Only, as we could not handle the idea of doing Fostering and possibly having the child return to the birthparents.

A social worker was assigned to us in the beginning on May 2008 and all the references questionaires (from the sounds of it) have been turned in. Our Homestudy, though waiting for a call back for the official time and date, is likely going to be on Thursday, June 5th, 2008!!!

TTC: We have been TTC#1 (no pregnancies) for 3.5 years now. My periods have begun to come regulary after I got on Thyroid meds in December 2007. Before that, I had to take Provera to get my period, as they had dropped off the face of the planet. We are still TTC, (took Vitex this cycle and actually O'd) and I will be trying Soy Isoflavones and Cinnamon next cycle (temp drop today).

Weight Loss: I joined Weight Watchers and Curves in March 2008. My starting weight was: 210.2 lbs, I am now 186.8 lbs. I have went down from a size 20/22 to a size 14/16. Weight Loss is still going great! Even DH has went from 261 lbs to 234lbs!!