Friday, May 30, 2008

Adoption IS like Pregnancy

Steps of Adoption/Pregnancy

Finding out how to adopt -- waiting to ovulate
Thinking you cant afford it -- temperature dosen't seem to rise after O...
Finding out you can afford it (through the state or otherwise) -- bbt temp rise!
Searching for an agency/state to go through -- like finding the 'right' brand of hpt test to use
Taking Classes/training -- like the first trimester, hoping it 'sticks' and 'works'
Getting Application together/in -- The doctor giving the thumbs up for a positive preg test, and high beta numbers!
Homestudy/interviews -- Seeing an ultrasound and realizing 'this is really real'!
Homestudy Approved - now waiting! -- Having the basics of your nursery set up, for no matter the gender! Crib, etc
Child Matched -- Found out what the gender is; literally!
Vists with Child before placement -- Labor pains - (how much longer until we bring him/her home?)
Placement/Finalization -- Birth. (Maybe not 'physically', but the worrying, pain, wondering if someone is late, etc)

First Post

Greetings! This blog will be about the big events going on in DH and mines life right now: Adoption, TTC, and Weight Loss.

Here is a bit of 'starting' info on each:

Adoption: We started the Adoption process, February 6th, 2008. We've completed our classes, cpr/first-aid, medical, etc. Our application was turned in at the end of April 2008.

We're going through the state, doing Adoption Only, as we could not handle the idea of doing Fostering and possibly having the child return to the birthparents.

A social worker was assigned to us in the beginning on May 2008 and all the references questionaires (from the sounds of it) have been turned in. Our Homestudy, though waiting for a call back for the official time and date, is likely going to be on Thursday, June 5th, 2008!!!

TTC: We have been TTC#1 (no pregnancies) for 3.5 years now. My periods have begun to come regulary after I got on Thyroid meds in December 2007. Before that, I had to take Provera to get my period, as they had dropped off the face of the planet. We are still TTC, (took Vitex this cycle and actually O'd) and I will be trying Soy Isoflavones and Cinnamon next cycle (temp drop today).

Weight Loss: I joined Weight Watchers and Curves in March 2008. My starting weight was: 210.2 lbs, I am now 186.8 lbs. I have went down from a size 20/22 to a size 14/16. Weight Loss is still going great! Even DH has went from 261 lbs to 234lbs!!